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Tyck till om webbläsaren - omvärlden vill ha hjälp från dig som kodar!

Nu har du chansen att påtala vad som kan bli bättre i relationen med webbläsaren genom att t.ex. rangordna vad som gör dig mest frustrerad när du kodar.
15 juli 2019
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Du når undersökningen på https://qsurvey.mozilla.com/s3/Developer-Needs-Assessment-2019

"Web developers and designers, we want to hear from you!

We have an opportunity for you to influence how browser vendors like Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung prioritize feature development.

It’s easy to take part, just complete this survey that was designed in collaboration with those browser vendors and the W3C. It will take you approximately 20 minutes — this is your chance to make yourself heard. The results and learnings will be shared publicly on MDN."

How can we help you? Fill out the form, email us, or give us a call

We ahead ABÅsögatan 119 Stockholm