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State of CSS - the new beginning

Ni har sett State of JavaScript under flera år (där även vi på We ahead är involverade på ett litet litet hörn), och nu är det äntligen dags för att för första gången beskåda the State of CSS. Spännande läsning där flera features fortfarande inte nått den breda massan, men även om vi också ser vi fram emot att jobba mer med subgrids och aspect ratios.
14 juni 2019
State of CSS 2019
State of CSS 2019

Du hittar resultaten på: https://2019.stateofcss.com/

Organizer comment:

If we had to pick one theme for this year's survey, it would be new beginnings. A new survey in a brand new domain for us; new features for CSS; and a newfound respect for CSS's ever-improving capabilities from the community.

While JavaScript isn't going anywhere, it also seems certain that CSS is not going to be replaced anytime soon. And the more powerful CSS becomes, the more valuable mastering it will be.

To be fair, CSS has seen its share of doubters as well. The growing importance given to JavaScript over the past few years can sometimes leave some feeling like HTML & CSS are becoming second-tier players, and like their own skills in these fields aren't as valued anymore.

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