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CTO Michel Zetterberg

Lite om React 17

Som aviserat kommer React 17 inte innehålla några nya features, men är ändå en gedigen uppdatering. En sak vi tycker är nice är den nya supporteringen av JSX Transform!
24 september 2020
React logga mot lila bakgrund
React logga

Upgrading to the new transform is completely optional, but it has a few benefits:

1. With the new transform, you can use JSX without importing React.

2. Depending on your setup, its compiled output may slightly improve the bundle size.

3. It will enable future improvements that reduce the number of concepts you need to learn React.

This upgrade will not change the JSX syntax and is not required. The old JSX transform will keep working as usual, and there are no plans to remove the support for it.

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